Smile Makeovers

Personalised Smile Makeovers in Newcastle and the Hunter Valley

Smile Makeover

At Evolution Dental Care, we pride ourselves on helping patients make decisions for their smile makeover that are achievable and within their budget and will help them feel more confident than ever with their smile.

We know it can be a daunting task to understand and decide what the best treatment for you is to improve your smile. We are here to help guide you to your smile makeover!

A smile can make you feel confident and happy. We believe a smile is part of your overall health. It affects your mental health and your mood and can also affect the way you eat, speak and function.

Create a Smile That You Are Confident to Show Off!

There are many different types of procedures that can be done, either alone or in combination, depending on the individual's needs, to help the smile makeover process. Smile makeovers are fully personalised according to your unique considerations.

These include:

  • Composite bonding
  • Veneers
  • Crowns
  • Bridge
  • Implants
  • Clear aligners
  • Teeth whitening
  • Cosmetic Injectables such as fillers and anti-wrinkle treatments
  • Gummy smile reduction
  • Oral and maxillofacial surgery

Porcelain Veneers

Many people immediately think of veneers when considering a smile makeover. Whilst veneers can be suitable for many circumstances, a consultation with your dentist to discuss your reasons for a smile makeover and specific criteria for veneers needs to be investigated.

Veneers are a thin cover over the front surface of the teeth used to improve the look, shape, length, colour and minor positioning of your teeth. They can be used to close gaps, derogate teeth and whiten teeth. Veneers take 2-3 visits to complete, can be used to cover just one tooth or, for better aesthetics, up to 10 teeth on the top and 10 teeth on the bottom, and can last 5 to 10 years.

Smile Makeover Consultation

Dr Dayna sits with each patient and does a special consultation to address each of the following, assessing your candidacy for a smile makeover:

  • Overall facial appearance, such as the colour of your hair and skin tone
  • Lips - Thickness and symmetry of your lips
  • Smile – Symmetry
  • Gum display when smiling
  • Individual teeth: Position, shape, length, width, colour
  • Missing teeth
  • Chipped, uneven or cracked teeth
  • Overall teeth: Position in relation to the lips when at rest and smiling
  • How much tooth and gum is showing?
  • Overall shade and colour of teeth. Darker teeth tend to make us look older, while a brighter and whiter smile looks more youthful.
  • Alignment and spacing - teeth that are crooked, have gaps or are overlapping.
  • Malocclusion/Misaligned bite (Occlusion)
  • Grinding/wear of your teeth

Healthy Teeth and Gums Are the Foundation of a Great Smile Makeover

The health of the teeth and gums, underlying support structures, and bites are extremely important to the success of the smile makeover.

Prior to a smile makeover, patients must have a comprehensive examination with our dentists and a thorough cleaning with one of our amazing hygienists. If any issues, such as cavities or gum disease, are found, these will be addressed before progressing to the smile make over.

In some cases, we may need to refer patients to specialists before they are ready for their smile makeover, depending on individual needs.

Things we consider when discussing a smile makeover are:

  • What are your main concerns?
  • What are your likes and dislikes about your teeth?
  • Some examples are: I like the shape of my teeth, but not the space.
  • I like the colour of my teeth but not the shape.
  • I don't like having dentures any more, and I want an option I don't have to take out at night.

What Should You Be Considering Before Coming to See Dr Dayna for Your Smile Makeover?

  • What are your main reasons for wanting a smile makeover?
  • Do you have an event or specific date by which you would like this to be completed?
  • Have you considered your budget?

Finance Options

We have many finance options available, including:

  • Interest Free Payment plan ranging from 3 months to 24 months
  • Super Care. This is where we can arrange early access to your super on the basis of medical grounds. This is done through Accountants who take the hassle out for you. If SuperCare is the way you would like to finance your smile makeover, we will come up with a treatment plan for you, which will then be sent to the helpful team at SuperCare, and they will take it from there. Once the super is released, we can book you in to begin your journey.

What to Expect

Before doing anything to your teeth, we will use a variety of dental technology to show you the changes we can expect to see with your smile.

Wax-Up and Temporary Smile Preview

For crowns and veneers in smile makeovers, we may create a wax model and place some temporaries in your mouth to offer a preview of the desired outcome to ensure you are happy with the proposed treatment.

Dental Imaging Software

Dental imaging can help us look at your smile on a computer and the possible effect different shaped teeth will have on your face shape and smile lines. They can also help us communicate with our laboratories where the final procedure elements will be made. It is important to remember, as these are computer generated, they are a guide only and may not absolutely match the final result.

Before and After Photos

Every patient considering a smile makeover will have "before" photos taken of how you first come to see us. We then take photos after your smile make over, and with your consent, you may even get featured as an example for other patients, for someone who has entrusted their smile makeovers with us.

Digital Scan 

Taking a scan of our patient's mouth can let us see in 3D all aspects of the patient's bite. This includes areas inside where we can not see when the patient is sitting in front of us.
This allows us to plan and look at all the elements of the patient's smile to see what treatments are possible to attain their desired results. This can vary due to elements such as patients' bite and teeth positioning.

Dental Composite Bonding Mock-up 

With out damaging the underlying teeth, we can place bond-ups onto your teeth to help you visualise how your treatment will look, fit and feel. This is done as a temporary measure, much like a wax-up. The temporary mock-up will have no lasting impact on the teeth.

Cost of a Smile Makeover

Many factors affect how much your smile makeover will be.

While health insurance can lessen the cost of some dental treatments, it usually does not cover the extent of smile makeovers well.
The extent of your customised smile makeover to achieve your ultimate smile and the underlying health of your teeth and gums are the two largest factors to consider.

Someone wanting composite bonding onto their teeth will expect to pay less than someone who needs gum disease treatment and some fillings prior, then crowns and gummy smile reduction.

The best way to find out how much your smile makeover will be is to book in and find out!

Precautions Following Smile Makeover

As smile makeovers are done for aesthetics and not purely function, restorations can be prone to coming loose if not properly cared for.

  • Avoid biting and/or chewing hard objects with your newly made over teeth, such as pens, staples, metal, bottle caps, chewing fingernails, etc.
  • A night guard, known as a splint, may be issued to help prevent your teeth and restorations from wearing if you grind your teeth. It is important this is worn nightly, as even a few nights of grinding on the restorations can cause them to debond.
  • Food and drinks high in sugar should be avoided where possible, and you should limit between-meal snacks to prevent cavities.
  • Heavily coloured foods and drinks should be limited to help keep your new white smile bright.
  • Avoid excess alcohol consumption, as this can dehydrate your mouth.

All of these can lead to ruining your dental work.

Maintaining Your Results

All patients at Evolution Dental Care are taught how to look after their teeth and gums.

There may be some extra steps required to help care for your new smile, and it is essential to follow the instructions of the expert professional team at Evolution Dental Care to maintain the health of the gums and teeth.

For example, teeth whitening does need to be repeated every so often to help maintain the brightness of your teeth. Everyday foods and drinks can lead to discolouration, and refreshing whitening at home with your custom whitening trays is an easy way to ensure you keep your smile looking great.

  • Composite bonding is prone to staining and chipping, so it may need to be repaired or replaced.
  • Porcelain veneers may chip or break off and need replacement. They are the most common restorations to come off if you are not wearing a night guard or are biting into things with the veneered teeth, as mentioned above.
  • Dental Crowns - whilst the tooth is predominantly covered with a porcelain material, you can still get decay where the margin of the crown and natural tooth meet, so oral care is very important.
  • Implant health is very important to be maintained, and we recommend initially having a visit for maintenance every 3 months to ensure the stability of the implant/s for the first 2 years, then reducing to 6 monthly.
  • Gummy smile improvements may also require enhancement over time.
  • If you have fillers or anti-wrinkle, these procedures do need regular maintenance to keep your smile and face looking and feeling fresh. The timeline for procedures is discussed in the surgery.

Which toothpaste is right for my smile makeover?

Many patients want to maintain the whiteness of their teeth through whitening toothpaste. Care needs to be taken, as many whitening toothpastes simply act by scrubbing away surface stains, and as such, can dull, scratch and impair the lustre of your cosmetic treatments. Non-abrasive fluoride toothpastes are recommended, and we will instruct you on which is right for you.

Flossing and interdental cleaning, with an interdental brush, is essential to remove plaque and food. Daily removal of plaque helps increase the lifespan of your restorations, can help keep them whiter, and also helps prevent tooth decay.

Avoid mouthwash containing alcohol. Alcohol-containing mouthwashes can damage the white (composite) fillings and actually degrade the bond between the restoration and teeth, leading to early loss of the restorations. Only use alcohol-free mouthwashes.

How Long Can I Expect My Smile Makeover to Last?

With proper at-home maintenance and regular 6 monthly dental visits, your smile will look good, and your smile makeover can last for many years.

Resin-based restorations, such as tooth bonding, can last anywhere from three to nine years or longer with proper care. Porcelain veneers last, on average, 5 years due to their risk of debonding. Crowns can last 10 years or more before they need to be replaced.

Although smile makeovers and cosmetic dental treatments are not indestructible and will eventually need to be replaced, the way you maintain your new smile has a huge role in long-term success.

Replacing a broken or lost veneer or crown may involve re-preparing the tooth, taking a scan impression, shade matching, making a temporary restoration, and then waiting for the permanent restoration. Depending on the reason for the issue and the time since it was done, you may be responsible for the full cost of replacing the damaged cosmetic work.

Transform your smile with a personalised smile makeover. Call 02 4040 0560 today to get started.

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