Evolution Dental Care is your trusted clinic in Hamilton, NSW, we provide comprehensive sleep medicine assessments. We understand the critical importance of good sleep for children and adults.
Symptoms that adults may experience are, snoring, mouth breathing, facial pain, headaches, teeth grinding, teeth clenching, breaking fillings, sugar cravings and fatigue during the day.
Children may become, hyperactive, have dark circles under their eyes, grind their teeth, poor concentration at school, malocclusion, poor muscle function of the facial muscles.
We work with AER sleep who complete a stage 2 home sleep study. This is reported by a sleep scientist and a sleep physicians .
Children’s sleep studies must be completed in a hospital stay environment.
The gold standard in sleep therapy is CPAP, there are other treatment modalities that we can offer, depending on the severity of your sleep condition.
Dental sleep medicine therapies we may be able to provide is splint therapy, breathing retraining, orofacial myology and releasing the tightness of the orofacial complex with laser and massage therapies.
Achieving restful sleep is crucial for mental and physical health, as well as supporting optimal growth and immune function. Breathe Well, Function Well, Sleep Well—that's our mantra at Evolution Dental Care.
Sleep apnoea occurs when the individual stops breathing for ten seconds or more. It can be further classified into obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA), upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS) and or central sleep apnoea (CSA). OSA and UARS is most common. It is caused when the airway is obstructed or collapsed. Our comprehensive sleep studies are reportable by a sleep physician and sleep scientist. To tailor and customise your optimal treatment plan
There are various sleep disorders that can disrupt your sleep patterns and affect your overall health. From snoring to more serious conditions like sleep apnoea, these disorders can impact not only your sleep quality but also your daily functioning and health.
Snoring is often a sign of obstructed airways during sleep, causing vibrations in the respiratory tract. While commonly dismissed, persistent snoring can indicate underlying sleep apnoea or other sleep-related issues that require attention.
Sleep apnoea is characterised by pauses in breathing during sleep, lasting for three seconds or more. It can be obstructive (OSA) or central (CSA), affecting how your body receives oxygen and disrupting your sleep cycle. Symptoms include daytime fatigue, headaches, and difficulty concentrating, among others.
Although snoring and sleep apnoea often go hand in hand, some people may suffer from one but not the other.
This therapy focuses on retraining facial and oral muscles to reduce airway obstructions during sleep, improving overall breathing patterns.
We provide Medicare-covered in-home sleep studies through aerhealthcare.com.au, offering detailed reports by sleep physicians and scientists to diagnose and manage sleep disorders effectively.
1. Our training involves diagnosing sleep bruxism.
Jaw movement and tooth grinding (bruxism) can damage sleep quality. Morning headaches and worn and cracked teeth are common warning signs. We collect extra data in our sleep studies that others do not so that you can learn more about your grinding at night. The information gathered and scored allows for insights, even if lab-based testing cannot match.
2. Comprehensive Diagnostics: the holistic approach.
Our diagnostics include an AER sleep study, X-rays for airway analysis, growth and development analysis of the Jaws, and soft tissue examination of the oral cavity.
At Evolution Dental Care, we are committed to enhancing your sleep quality and overall well-being through personalised care and advanced treatment options. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and start your journey to better sleep.
Sleep better with our dental sleep medicine solutions. Call 02 4040 0560 to discuss your sleep concerns with our specialists.
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Contact Information
Phone: 02 4040 0560
Address: 20 Beaumont St
Hamilton, NSW, 2303
Membership: ADA, ADAN, NSW, Lasser Therapy Association
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