Children’s Dental Care

At Evolution Dental Care, we have experienced Dentists, Oral Health Therapists and Hygienists who enjoy treating children of all ages. Our team focuses on making your child’s dental experience positive, fun and uplifting.

Caring and dedicated Dental Professionals in Hamilton

Caring for your children’s teeth is essential in setting them up for life! Poor dental health is related to many other general diseases. At Evolution Dental Care, we want to provide your kids with a fun and exciting experience that will help them foster a fantastic lifelong positive relationship with dental professionals.
When should children first visit the dentist?
We encourage kids as young as 12 months to come for their first dental visits.
Why? When they only have a few teeth?!
At The age of 12 months, we check for the the following:
Normal eruption patterns of teeth
Any abnormalities in tooth placement or discolorations
Tongue and lip ties

We help educate parents on the correct ways to look after their children's teeth and how to encourage sustainable oral hygiene practices.

What to Expect at your child's dental visit?

Let us offer you and your children a stress-free experience. We have a fun first check up, take them for a ride in the chair, use the tickly air to dry and count their teeth (whilst also checking for decay and other other issues), a clean if the child allows, and then they get to choose a prize from our coveted prize box, as well as a take home dental kit tailored to their needs! All with a smile on your child's face!

After their first dental cleaning, we may find your child needs some treatments to prevent dental decay in deep grooves in their teeth, called fissure sealants. If we find any dental decay, it is imperative this is addressed. Many parents think baby teeth having holes (dental caries), is not a problem, as they will just fall out, however, the bad bacteria that cause holes, can stay around for years in your child's saliva and also lead to dental decay in their adult teeth. We are focused on being proactive in early intervention dentistry in all aspects. From preventing dental disease, to ensuring children develop their airway health and dental positions as optimal as possible.

We may also need to take x-rays to check for dental decay. It usually begins on the biting surfaces of the teeth, which can be seen by the practitioner eye in your child's mouth, or in-between the teeth. Baby teeth have a different make up to adult teeth, so can be harder to detect large regions of decay in between the teeth, which can quickly progress to injure and destroy the nerve of the tooth, known also as the dental pulp. It is extremely safe to take dental x-rays, due to the digital nature and low doses or radiation.×-1080-px-19.png×-250-px.png

Dental Treatment for Kids

Our pediatric treatments, where indicated, include:
• Check-ups and cleans
• Dental crowns for baby teeth (often referred to as “pirate” or “princess” teeth due to their silver colour)
• Emergency kids dental care
• Fillings
• Fissure sealants
• Lip and tongue tie releases
• Mouthguards for all types of sports
• Orthodontic care
• Pulpotomies and pulpectomies (Baby tooth root canal treatment)
• Teeth extractions (only when necessary)

Our Children’s Dental Team also does early intervention orthodontics

Parents can be concerned about the position of their child's teeth, mouth breathing, snoring tooth grinding or sequence of tooth eruption. We provide extremely thorough diagnostics to determine if these issues re currently, or may become problematic in the future for your hilds growth, development, function and aesthetics.
Examples of conditions we can address include:
• Mouth breathing
• Lip trapping (top or bottom teeth hanging over the lip)
• Dental crowding
• Jaw growth abnormalities such as chin too far back, or too far forward
• Under-bite
• Tooth number abnormalities: Missing teeth or additional teeth
• Protruding teeth due to thumb sucking
• Incorrect swallowing patterns or resting tongue position
• Adenoid, tonsil or nasal turbinate obstructions
We work closely with Ear Nose and Throat Surgeons, Immunologists, speech pathologists, GP’s and other dental professionals, just to name a few. We don’t just care about your child's teeth, but their whole growth and development!

Caring and dedicated Dental Professionals in Hamilton

Caring for your children’s teeth is essential in setting them up for life! Poor dental health is related to many other general diseases. At Evolution Dental Care, we want to provide your kids with a fun and exciting experience that will help them foster a fantastic lifelong positive relationship with dental professionals.
When should children first visit the dentist?
We encourage kids as young as 12 months to come for their first dental visits.
Why? When they only have a few teeth?!
At The age of 12 months, we check for the the following:
Normal eruption patterns of teeth
Any abnormalities in tooth placement or discolorations
Tongue and lip ties

We help educate parents on the correct ways to look after their children's teeth and how to encourage sustainable oral hygiene practices.×-1920-px-15.png

What to Expect at your child's dental visit?

Let us offer you and your children a stress-free experience. We have a fun first check up, take them for a ride in the chair, use the tickly air to dry and count their teeth (whilst also checking for decay and other other issues), a clean if the child allows, and then they get to choose a prize from our coveted prize box, as well as a take home dental kit tailored to their needs! All with a smile on your child's face!

After their first dental cleaning, we may find your child needs some treatments to prevent dental decay in deep grooves in their teeth, called fissure sealants. If we find any dental decay, it is imperative this is addressed. Many parents think baby teeth having holes (dental caries), is not a problem, as they will just fall out, however, the bad bacteria that cause holes, can stay around for years in your child's saliva and also lead to dental decay in their adult teeth. We are focused on being proactive in early intervention dentistry in all aspects. From preventing dental disease, to ensuring children develop their airway health and dental positions as optimal as possible.

We may also need to take x-rays to check for dental decay. It usually begins on the biting surfaces of the teeth, which can be seen by the practitioner eye in your child's mouth, or in-between the teeth. Baby teeth have a different make up to adult teeth, so can be harder to detect large regions of decay in between the teeth, which can quickly progress to injure and destroy the nerve of the tooth, known also as the dental pulp. It is extremely safe to take dental x-rays, due to the digital nature and low doses or radiation.

Free Children’s Dental Care?

Looking after your kids' teeth has never been more affordable!

We proudly work in conjunction with Medicare under the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS).
CDBS is a program for families run by Medicare for children aged 2 to 17 years. The scheme provides cover of around $1000 over a two-year period for basic dental services for all eligible families. It includes benefits for general dental treatments like cleans, fillings, fissure sealants, tooth extractions, baby tooth crowns, and nerve treatments.

We also offer Children Dental service and save $1000 on your child’s dental treatment, click the link to know if you are eligible.

Save $1000 on your child’s dental treatment!

Inclusions in Child Dental Benefits Schedule dental coverage:

• Dental check-ups
• Extractions
• Fillings
• Fissure seals
• Fluoride Treatment
• Partial dentures (for example, rare genetic disorders requiring tooth replacements)
• Root canal treatment
• Teeth cleaning and polishing
• X-rays

Please note: unfortunately mouth guards are not covered under the CDBS scheme.
The only time you will pay a gap fee is if you exceed the $1000 benefit limit within the two year period.

Are we eligible for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule and how long does it last?

Parents receiving the Family Tax Benefit Part A or any of the below government payments:
• Career Payment
• Disability Support Pension
• Double Orphan Pension
• Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act Education and Training Scheme, if the child is 16 or over
• Parenting Payment
• Special Benefit
• Veteran’s Children Education Scheme, if the child is 16 or over
• Youth Allowance
For Full benefits and terms and conditions, please enquire now via calling: 02 4040 0560 or you can book online.

Emergency Dental

Priority and Same-Day Appointments Are Available

In dentistry, an emergency occurs unexpectedly, and usually at the most inconvenient time! When a dental emergency occurs, seeking professional dental care as soon as possible is recommended.
Priority and same-day appointments are available for dental emergencies.
Given the current covid-19 climate, even if a lockdown or stay at home orders are in place, the government authorizes that dentists are health service providers and are still able to treat patients with urgent dental needs.
Dental emergencies can occur as any of the following:
• Facial swelling, or enlarged lymph nodes
• Swelling inside the mouth or near a tooth
• Trauma to the face/mouth, including but not limited to, lip laceration, tooth knocked out or displaced, bleeding gums from trauma
• Knocked or broken tooth
• Consistent pain that is keeping you awake at night, and or not relieved by over the counter pain medications such as panadol or ibuprofen
Book on line (link), or call us now on:
Our friendly and knowledgeable reception team will help answer any questions they can.
If we are outside of our opening hours, and you feel your condition is truly a dental emergency, we have an after hours number:

Alternatively if you are experiencing head and or neck swelling accompanied by heat/redness and or a fever, making you feel nauseated or unwell, or shortness of breath/reduced breathing capacity, extending to or affecting your eye, we recommend you go to your nearest hospital emergency room for urgent care.

If the dental pain is not this severe, please take some over the counter painkillers, if this helps decrease or subside the pain. Contact us to book in an emergency time so one of our experienced dental professionals can see you as soon as possible. Dental pain does not usually go away on it’s own and it is caused by an issue with the tooth and or nerve, which requires a dental practitioner's expertise in diagnosing and treating the source of this pain.

Check and Clean/Preventative Care

Dental Health : Choose the preventive care that suits you.

Regular Dental Hygiene and Dental exam’s prevent dental disease becoming an acute problem or stress to your body. We encourage you to maintain your oral health, this will support a healthy functioning body. We offer individual care, specific to your oral health requirements.

We have purchased state of the art EMS Air Flow technology - Airflow is a revolutionary, non-contact form of dental maintenance. It projects a controlled stream of air, water and very fine powder onto the tooth and into hard to reach areas to dislodge plaque, discoloration and stains. Advantages of using the EMS Airflow: More comfortable.×-1920-px-1080-×-1080-px.png

Sedation Dentistry.

Dental anxiety or dental phobias can often keep people away from the dentist. At Evolution Dental Care, we are here to help you and look after you.

What is sedation in dentistry?

We always aim to keep our patients comfortable and calm whilst providing optimal treatments. We understand some people need a little extra help. There are three types of sedation we use at Evolution dental care:
Penthrox, Nitrous Oxide and Oral Sedation (Medication).
This helps the patient feel more relaxed and decreases anxiety.
Some benefits of Sedation in dentistry include: safe, anxiety free and pain-free treatments, shorter amount of visits for complex and lengthy treatment plans.
For your comfort and to create peace-of-mind among our more nervous patients we offer the following sedation options:


Inhalation technique, controlled and held by the patient. Otherwise known as “The Green Whistle”. It provides fast and effective pain relief for both adults and children.

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide provides relaxation and anti-anxiety, as well as decreased pain to the user. It is controlled by the dentist, and administered by a mask covering your nose. You are still able to talk with your dentist, but this takes the edge off and allows you to feel very relaxed. Your dentist will be able to control the intensity of the inhalant so that he or she will be able to communicate with you during treatment.

Intravenous Sedation

At Evolution Dental Care, we are lucky enough to have a locum dentist, trained in IV Sedation, come occasionally to the practice on treat patients under sleep dentistry. Patients will have the IV sedation initiated and monitored by a qualified IV Sedationist and their dental treatment performed by one of our caring dental practitioners. This allows patients to have more lengthy procedures, whilst relaxing them to a state similar to sleep. Patients can still hear the practitioner, but after the procedure, can not recall much due to the sleep like state they undergo.

We always make sure our patients are medically fit and qualify for these sedation options prior to recommending and commencing.
Please do not delay your dental treatment due to dental phobias or anxiety. Our caring team are here to help. We offer a comfortable experience, with our with hour sedation, and are happy to answer any and all questions patients have. To learn more about how our sedation in dentistry can help you, book online or give us a call on: 02 4040 0560

Root Canals / Endodontics

What is a Root Canal?

Root canal treatment is a dental procedure that replaces a tooth's damaged or infected pulp with a root filling.
Root Canal Treatment is done under Local anaesthetic, so it is very rare to feel any pain. We use a special raincoat to keep other germs from the mouth out of the tooth.

Root Canal Treatment takes 2-3 visits. In the first appointment, the aim is to get you out of pain, and alleviate the infection. The second appointment aims to remove any further infection, clean our the tooth roots and shaoe them in preparation for the third appointment. The third appointment, providing the tooth is no longer showing any signs of infection, is to fill the root canal systems with a root filling and permanent filling.

After the root canal, what happens?

On molar and premolar teeth, a crown is usually recommended. When teeth have lost their nerves, we are unable to tell how much force we are putting on the tooth and can overload it, so the tooth may break. A crown is used to hold the tooth together and to strengthen it and prevent this.
Front teeth may also require a crown, depending on their pre-root canal situation.
See our Crown page for more information

If you feel you may have an infected or dead tooth requiring root canal treatment, book online, or call us to make an appointment on: 02 4040 0560

Contact Us

02 4040 0560

Copyright 2022 by Evolution Dental Care. All rights reserved. Website Designed by Sandy Feet Digital

Copyright 2023 by Evolution Dental Care. All rights reserved. Website Designed by Sandy Feet Digital
