Preventative Dentistry

Preventative Dentistry

Regular Dental Hygiene and Dental exam’s prevent dental disease becoming an acute problem or stress to your body. We encourage you to maintain your oral health; this will support a healthy functioning body. We offer individual care, specific to your oral health requirements.

The care you will receive from Our Dental Team at Evolution Dental Care

The care you will receive from Our Dental Team at Evolution Dental Care

A comprehensive dental examination at your hygiene visit. The Dental Hygiene team will identify and examine Your Head, Neck and Face. You’re facial muscles, Oral Soft tissues, your saliva, your airways, your gums and your teeth.
If needed: we do bacterial screening, we take x-rays for diagnostics, we take photos and dental scans (3D imaging).
We communicate our findings, so you can understand.
We show you how you can improve your home dental care.
Our Dentists then have all the required diagnostics to be able to complete your comprehensive dental exam and diagnose your treatments needs.
We have purchased state of the art EMS Air Flow technology - Airflow is a revolutionary, non-contact form of dental maintenance. It projects a controlled stream of air, water and very fine powder onto the tooth and into hard to reach areas to dislodge plaque, discoloration and stains.
I FEEL GOOD – Guilded BIO Film technology
Advantages of using the EMS Airflow: More comfortable, you can adjust the temperature of the water, very comfortable for people with sensitive teeth.×-1080-px-39-640x640.png

Bacterial screening

Bacterial screening

Dental Plaque is the main cause of dental disease, dental caries, periodontal disease and peri implant infections. Periodontitis may increase the risk of systemic diseases.

Tooth Decay:

Tooth Decay:

Tooth decay occurs when acid attacks the surface of the tooth. Fluoride helps repair any damage before it becomes serious. A constant low-level supply of fluoride is best for this. Fluoride in your drinking water and toothpaste is like a constant ‘repair kit’ for your teeth.
Dental decay affects the community in many ways, including pain, suffering and cost.

Preventive Treatment options for dental decay:

Preventive Treatment options for dental decay:

Silver fluoride its uses – advantages and disadvantages. Author of 'The ARM-ER approach to caries management', a concept and resource tool designed to enable clinicians to present the option of using silver fluorides to patients and parents within a managed approach and with visual clarity.

A proponent for preventive and minimal intervention dentistry – THE ARM-ER approach to preventive care. ASSESS, REDEFINE, MANAGE, REVIEW, REPEAT, RESTORE, REHABILTION, RE – ESTABLISH.

Decay Prevention

Decay Prevention

These caries preventative techniques can be used in children, adults and geriatric care.

Non fluoride treatments- Healthy diet, excellent oral hygiene and dental health.
You need more than one influencing factor to cause dental disease.
Dental disease is multifactorial; whatever your health goals are we support you.

We have Non – fluoride tooth paste we can offer as well. Look in our dental shop.

Periodontal Disease – Gum Disease- Bleeding Gums

Periodontal Disease – Gum Disease- Bleeding Gums

Inflammation of the gums is a concern. Bleeding gums are not normal. Bleeding gums is a sign that the gums are inflamed. Certain Bacteria in dental plaque cause inflammation of the gums.

These bacteria cause two concerns to the mouth:

These bacteria cause two concerns to the mouth:

Gingivitis : redness, swelling of the gums, you may see bleeding when you brush or floss your teeth. Sometimes the gums just look very red. Gingivitis can be healed quite quickly with professional cleaning and good home dental care.

Periodontitis : Starts off with redness, swelling, bleeding when brushing or flossing. Unfortunately, if you have the susceptible bacteria in your dental plaque to cause periodontitis. The body will respond with a more serve response. This gum infection damages the soft tissue and without treatment, can destroy the bone that supports your teeth. Periodontitis can cause teeth to loosen or lead to tooth loss. Professional cleaning and good home dental care will maintain the periodontal disease from advancing. It is a disease that needs to be treated for your life time.
Does a healthy mouth equal a healthy heart? The indications appear to be yes! Doctors and researchers have been talking about and studying the relationship between periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease for nearly two decades. While the exact details of the cause and effect relationship are still under investigation, many researchers (including Dr. P.K. Shah) and government agencies have come to the conclusion there is a link between periodontal disease and an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. For this reason, maintaining optimal oral hygiene is an important component of not only heart health, but your overall health and well-being.
Message from the Heart Foundations web site: Gum Disease and the Heart - The Heart Foundation

Preventive Dental Health

Preventive Dental Health×-1080-px-28.png×-1080-px-29.png
It’s our dental team goal to make your first visit to the dentist a pleasant one. Therefore we suggest you start Early. Bring your child in when they two for a ride in the chair and a chat with the team it is important.

We offer a 15 min ride in the chair and to share our knowledge and education.

Leave with a dental goody bag and smile on your child’s face.

Some pictures of what can be identified at a young age.



Sleep and Breathing Well

Sleep and Breathing Well

It is absolutely critical for your mental health, physical health, growth and development of the brain and body and to support a healthy immune system.

Breathe Well, Function Well, Sleep Well.

Treating Poor Sleep - Team approach to caring for you

Treating Poor Sleep - Team approach to caring for you

There are a range of sleep disorders that can affect your sleep, your partners sleep and impact your body functioning well.

Don’t ignore the snore feeling fatigue, sugar cravings, and health issues.

Is your sleep affecting your body from function well?
Snoring occurs when an individual’s airway is obstructed while sleeping, resulting in vibrations of the respiratory tract. It’s easy to brush off snoring as normal and nothing to worry about, but it may indicate a sleep disorder that is much more harmful, such as sleep apnoea.

Sleep apnoea occurs when the individual stops breathing for three seconds or more. It can be further classified into two types: obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) and central sleep apnoea (CSA). Of the two, OSA is most common. It is caused when the airway is obstructed or collapsed. CSA, on the other hand, occurs when the brain fails to send signals to stimulate breathing. Either way, your body responds to the lack of oxygen by waking up to gasp for air. Once the airway is clear, you fall back to sleep.

Symptoms of sleep apnoea include waking with a dry mouth or sore throat, daytime tiredness, headaches and difficulty concentrating. Headache, Sore muscles of the face, and cracking your teeth.

Although snoring and sleep apnoea often go hand in hand, some people may suffer from one but not the other.
Myofunctional therapy can help reduce the symptoms of by retraining the muscles in the throat and the tongue to reduce airway obstructions while the body is lying down.
AER sleep –
Medicare covered sleep study. In home sleep studies reported by a sleep physician and sleep scientist. There is a cost for delivery and set up of machine.

Why are our sleep studies different to others?

Our training involves diagnosing sleep bruxism – Sleep quality is damaged by jaw movement and tooth grinding (bruxism). Morning headaches and worn and cracked teeth are common warning signs. We collect extra data in our sleep studies that others do not so that you find out more about your grinding when it is happening at night. The information gathered and scored allows for insights even lab based testing cannot match.

Comprehensive Diagnostics the holistic approach.
What we include in our diagnostics, AER sleep study, X-rays for airway analysis, growth and development analysis of the Jaws, soft tissue examination of the oral cavity.
Dental treatments that can help you with your sleep issues:

Oral appliance therapy - Mandibular advancement splints.

Orofacial Myology – Functioning of the facial muscles correctly.

Contact Us

02 4040 0560

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Copyright 2023 by Evolution Dental Care. All rights reserved. Website Designed by Sandy Feet Digital
